Corporate and Team Building

Ropeworks active is an ideal venue for staff development and team building or just a fun experience with colleagues.

Our services include access to all our activities, professional facilitators, private briefing rooms, catering and many challenges and tasks to make sure you’re getting the most from your team. Our tower and pole array also make an ideal venue for rescue and rope access training, as a variety of scenarios can be enacted through windows, doorways and down vertical drops.

Training and Development in the outdoors has clear and specific measurable outcomes. For example, if there is a river or a stream to cross, a rock wall to be climbed or a raft to be built, there is a visual and specific measurement of success or failure.

Reasons for Team Building include

  • Improving communication
  • Making the workplace more enjoyable
  • Motivating a team
  • Getting to know each other
  • Getting everyone “onto the same page”, including goal setting
  • Teaching the team self-regulation strategies
  • Helping participants to learn more about themselves (strengths and weaknesses)
  • Identifying and utilizing the strengths of team members
  • Improving team productivity
  • Practicing effective collaboration with team members

What are Team Building Exercises and what is their purpose?

Team building exercises consist of a variety of tasks designed to develop group members and their ability to work together effectively. There are many types of team building activities that range from kids games to games that involve novel complex tasks and are designed for specific needs. There are also more complex team building exercises that are composed of multiple exercises such as ropes courses and exercises that last over several days. The purpose of team building exercises is to assist teams in becoming cohesive units of individuals that can effectively work together to complete tasks.